Jim Moore
Born 25 November 1940 in Holgate Ohio
Graduated in 1958 from Riverdale High School St. Joe Indiana
Enlisted on 25 July 1961 in Cleveland Ohio
Completed Basic Training at Lackland AFB Texas
Completed Helicopter Mechanic Course ABR43130 in February 1962 at Sheppard Air Force Base Texas
March 1962 first assignment Stead Air Force Base Nevada. H-19 Helicopter Mechanic
January 1964 assigned to 917H Field Training Detachment at Tan Son Nhut Air Base South Vietnam. Attached from Stead. Helicopter Mechanic and trained Vietnamese Helicopter Mechanics
July 1964 assigned to 2750th Air Base Wing Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio as an H-19 Flight Mechanic/Technician. Provided maintenance support for assigned U-3A aircraft. Flew as ACM on assigned C-47s
October 1968 assigned to the 21st Special Operations Squadron Nakon Phanom (NKP) Royal Thai Air Force Base. CH-3E Flight Engineer doing what we done best, supporting the "secret war". During this period I flew 150 combat missions, 139 over SVN and 11 over NVN totalling 354.1 hours
October 1969 assigned to the 4531st Field Maintenance Squadron Homestead Air Force Base Florida. CH-21B Flight Technician supporting the Tactical Air Command Sea Survival School
January 1971 assigned to Naha Air Base Okinawa. Remained there long enough to demilitarize an H-19 helicopter. Transferred to the 33rd Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron at Kadena Air Base Okinawa as an HH-3E helicopter technician.
In May 1972 helicopter maintenance was assigned to the 603rd Military Airlift Support Squadron and I became the NCOIC of the HH-3E Helicopter Section
June 1974 assigned to the 1550th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Hill Air Force Base Utah. Assigned as Night Shift HH-3E supervisor. March 1975 assigned to Maintenance Job Control as an Aircraft Controller
January 1976 was in the advance party that relocated the 1550th to Kirtland Air Force Base New Mexico. Assigned as Aircraft Controller and subsequently the Night Shift Job Control Superintendent
December 1977 assigned to Headquarters Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service Scott Air Force Base Illinois. Performed as Chief, Mission Support Helicopter Section--Chief, Maintenance Management Branch--Chief, Mission Support Division
July 1981 assigned to the 4950th Organizational Maintenance Squadron Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio as Chief Enlisted Manager.
December 1985 assigned as Chief Enlisted Manager/Technical Advisor to the Deputy Commander for Maintenance, 4950th Test Wing Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio
Retired 1 August 1991 as a Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 93-Dec 03 worked for a Government contractor at Wright-Patterson AFB
Jan 04 retired for the last time
Extension Course Institute (ECI):
Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Course 00007B April 1969
Command Noncommissioned Officer Course Academy February 1977
Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy June 1977
Numerous other career field related ECI courses
October 9 1962 married the former Carol Jo Curtis
We have two sons and five wonderful grandchildren

~ Final Flight 26 June 2009 ~
