Kaman Aerospace Corporation published "KAMAN ROTOR TIPS" between April 1960 and September-October 1975. ROTOR TIPS contained numerous articles of many of the missions performed by the H-43 and the brave crews that flew them.
Mr. Johan Ragay of The Netherlands has received permission to publish these memorable and historic articles. Mr. Ragay has published many of these articles on his website. For a direct link to these articles 
Some of the articles are missing names, dates and other pertinent information. If you have information on any of the stories and/or pictures please contact Mr. Ragay through his website.
Note: Mr. Ragay is one of our aircraft historians. More information on him may be found in the "Historians/Resources" section of our website..

There are instances that individual stories are brought to the attention of USAF ROTORHEADS. Therefore this section is reserved for these stories.

When Seconds Count

| Operation Quick Kick VII |
The above two articles are courtesy of Johan Ragay
USAF ROTORHEADS was first informed of the first article by fellow member Tom Brumfield
