This section contains individual and/or group firsts relating to Air Force Helicopters

20 Sep 1965 - A1/c William A. Robinson became the first enlisted to be awarded the Air Force Cross during the war in (SEA). Prisoner of War / September 20, 1965 - February 12, 1973 North Viet Nam

9 Mar 2005?? - Female Crew Makes History at Andrews 

6 Sep 2007 - Two Hurlburt airmen among first to receive new Air Force Combat Action Medal.

24 SEP 2003 - Airman Tanya R. Harwood became the first female active duty Air Force non-prior service HH-60G flight engineer.

25 SEP 2003 - Airman Melody C. Boates became the first female active duty Air Force non-prior service UH-1N flight engineer.

4 FEB 2002 - Airman Vanessa E. Dobos became the first Air Force female helicopter aerial gunner. 

1 AUG 1997 - MSgt Diane Revolinski became the first woman to retire from the Air Force having spent her entire career assigned to helicopter hands on maintenance positions (flightline/phase docks).

1 JUL 1995 - Ruth Emanuel is recognized by USAF ROTORHEADS as being the first ever woman to retire from the United States Air Force having served her entire career in the helicopter career field (flightline/job control).

On May 31-June 1, 1967, two Air Force ARRS crews flying HH-3Es (66-13280 and 66-13281) made the world’s first nonstop flight across the Atlantic by helicopter. The 4,271-mile flight from New York to Paris took 30 hours, 46 minutes, and required nine in-flight refuelings. The flight path paralleled the original flight path of Charles A. Lindbergh. 

15–31 JUL 1952 - First transatlantic helicopter flight. Capt. Vincent H. McGovern and 1st Lt. Harold W. Moore piloted two Sikorsky H-19s from Westover, Mass., to Prestwick, Scotland (3,410 mi). Trip was made in five stops, with a flying time of 42 hr., 25 min. 
