Previous years updates to the Website and/or the Blog: FOR UPDATES FOR PRIOR YEARS CLICK ON YEAR ABOVE Go directly to changes by clicking on bold underlined words like - "Added" |
01 DECEMBER 2012 Added New member; Thomas R. Waldron.
Added The books "On a Steel Horse I Ride" and "I Flew With Heroes" to the "Helicopter Media" page. Added Harry P. Dunn (11/14/2012)
Added 1992 and 2011 Cheney Award winners to the "Awards-Cheney Award" page.
Added A new claim to fame from John Hatch to the "Claim To Fame" page. (Note: If anyone has any photos taken during this claim...please send them to the webmaster) 01 NOVEMBER 2012 Added New members; Bob Cantrell, James Corcoran, Wendall "Mad" Jack Derrick, Michael "Tim" "Ghandi" Healy & Robert A. Mcclain. Added Article "Darkness Falls: A Farewell to the Pave Low" to the "Historic Infromation" page, Courtesy of John Adrian.
Added Tom Green's Added John Francis Dorgan Jr. (05/13/2012)
01 OCTOBER 2012 Added New members; Franklin Perkins, Greg Jordan, John Hatch, Ken Lee, Paul (Mick) Yates, Bill Kassakatis & Michael Verzola.
Added New "Member Stories" page with John Hatch's stories. Added Two new claims to fame from John Hatch to the "Claim To Fame" page.
Added "You might have been an AF helicopter Crew Chief if....", Courtesy of Tom Green, to the "Copter Humor" page.
Added W. A. Christensen locator request to the "Locator" page.
Added New group of 'pop-up' photos to Bill Dye Sr.'s photo album page.
Added New 'pop-up' photo to Rich Blackwell's photo album page.
Added New 'pop-up' photos (courtsey of John Hatch) of mini-gun inadvertant discharge damage to the "Inadvertent Weapons Discharge" page.
Added Franklin Perkins' photo album page.
Added Link on several members "Bio" page to their photo pages.
Added Mike Medernach (08/22/2012), Steven Ray (Bubba) Yestness (12/22/2009), Richard Van Der Ploeg (12/19/2008), Truman Amonett (11/17/2006) and Tal H. "Sunny" Herndon (12/4/2006) to the Final Flight page.
01 SEPTEMBER 2012 Added New members; Sam Bacon, William (Bill) Osley, Rick Burkett, Peter Singh & Jeff Bell.
Added James J. Clouse (12/6/1970) and Gerard H. "Gerry" MacDonald (August, 23, 2012) to the Final Flight page. 01 AUGUST 2012 Added New members; Charles Johnson, Dustin Shrout, Antone Mindoroe, Johathan Sorensen, Jim Fuentes, Fred Bishop & Steve Kurban. Added Gerald Armstrong's photo album to the "Member Photo Albums" page. Added Juan Migia (6/27/2012) and Terry Lee Kirkhart (07/03/2012) to the Final Flight page.
Added Information on The Koren Kolligian Jr. Trophy & the 2005 award of the Kolligian Trophy to MH-53 pilot Capt. Steven Edwards . 01 JULY 2012 Added New members Joe Escobedo & Ron Claeys.
Added Photo and information on the first all female USAF helicopter crew to the "Photos of Intrest" page with a link to it on the "Special Recognition" page. Added Alan L. Milner (10/09/2000) to the Final Flight page.
Added Brigadier General Donald L. McCormack & Brigadier General Kenneth E. Todorov to the "General Officers" page. Added links to The PJ-Pararescue Collectors Blog & The MAC-SOG Collectors Blog to the "Other Links" section on the "Links" page.
Added two additional photos of the 304th ARS "Duck Footprints" to the "Patch History" page.
Added story of the loss of Jolly Green 05 during the Viet Nam War, provided by Mr. Steve Whitton, to the "SEA KIA/MIA" page. 03 JUNE 2012 Added New members Ron Lasky, John Crouch & Thomas Winters.
Added Charles Raymond "Ray" Dunn (05/05/12), Ronald H. Mikulski (02/21/12), Steven W. Kelley (10/29/1992), Philip A. Kesler (10/29/1992) and Roland E. Peixotto Jr. (10/29/1992) to the Final Flight page.
Added 2011 MacKay Trophy winners to the "Awards-MacKay Trophy" page.
Added Brigadier General Gregory J. Lengyel to the "General Officers" page. 05 MAY 2012 Added New members Bill Sarles, L. Brian Porter, David A. Parsons, Chris Kennedy & Robert "Bob" Hall.
Added Brett Austin (March 19, 2012), Ronald (Ron) McKinley (February 1, 2012) & a link to Robert (Bob) Michelsen's (March 10. 2012) obituary to the "Final Flight" page.
Added Brigadier General Udo K. "Karl" McGregor to the "General Officers" page. Special note; General McGregor started his Air Force career as a C/HH-3E helicopter mechanic at Shaw AFB, SC.
Added Dave Parsons's photo album to the "Member Photo Albums" page.
Added new photos to John Holt's photo album on the "Member Photo Albums" page.
Udated "Reunion/Events" page, adding Pedro Rescue Helicopter Association (PRHA) reunion for 2012. 01 APRIL 2012
Added New members Harrison H. Ewton, Jackie R. Cowden, Ted Miller, Ronald (Ron) Lindsey, Robert Feldmann & David Jewett.
Added Brigadier General John "Jay" C. Flournoy Jr. to the "General Officers" page. Special note; General Flournoy is the son of fellow RotorHead member John Flournoy and wife, Charlene. Our congratulation to General Flournoy and his proud parents, John & Charlene Flournoy. It must also be noted that General Flournoy is the current president of the Jolly Green Association. Added Chuck McClure's 40th ARRS, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand 1971 - 1972 Maintenance Crew photos to the "Member Photo Albums" page.
Added Rob Stewart's 38th ARRS 1989 Flight Engineer photo to the "Member Photo Albums" page.
Added Doug Stimpson's CH-3 1968 Sheppard School photos to the "Member Photo Albums" page.
Added Link on the "Armed Conflicts" page to Jason Dean Cunningham's story (KIA 4 March 2002), Air Force Cross Citation, Remembrances’ & and Guest Book entries. Added Cleveland S. Peeke (03/17/2012), Edward "Buck" P. Monroe, Jr. (03/16/2012) Ernest L. Neville (02/12/12), Edward R. Stevens (02/25/2012), Robert (Bob) Michelsen (03/10/2012), Owen L. Clark (09/16/2009), Marlon M. Coffee's (Obituary) (04/25/2004) and Edward D. Vaughn (08/15/2002) to the "Final Flight" page.
Added 341st Operations Group, parent unit of the 40th Helicopter Squadron, to the "Unit History Page".
Added New book titled "Leave No Man Behind" "The Saga Of Combat Search And Rescue", by George Galdorisi and Tom Phillips to the "Helicopter Media" page. Here's some comments from RotorHeads member Joe Ballinger, who just finished reading this book, "It’s the best book on CSAR, I have ever read. Very thick and top researched, on both the USN and USAF!"
Udated "Reunion/Events" page for known 2012 reunions and events. 03 MARCH 2012 Added New members Martin Holtsberg, Gregg "Nigel" Benner, Derek K. Sharp, Kent Vickery, Roy "Frank" Mercer, Steve Hopkins, Philip D. Stinson & Steven E. Gardinier. Added Link on our "Links" page to the website "Air Rescue - Far East - 1950's" which contains some historical information of helicopter operations during that time frame.
Updated and re-aranged the "Unit Patches" sub-page on the "Patches" page. Added Photo of the 304th Operations Building with the "Duck Footprints" in the new sidewalk welcoming visitors to the building to the "Patch History" page. Photo provided by Mr. Felix McLarney.
Added Links on the "Armed Conflicts" page to video remembrances of David A. Wisniewski & Michael P. Flores along with a link to a memorial ceremony for these crew members of "Pedro 66". 01 FEBRUARY 2012 Re-named the "OFOTO/SITE Pictures" page to "Member Photo Albums" page. (The Ofoto website no longer exist so all photo albums stored on the Ofoto website have been moved onto our website.)
Added New members Kenneth Walton, Scott White, and Jason Rose. Added James (Jim) F. Travis (01/01/12) and Troy Glenn Irvin, Sr. (05/17/2009) to the Final Flight page.
Added Don Larson's photos to the "Member Photo Albums" page.
Added A link on Scott White's bio page to his photo page.
Added additional photos to Victor Davis' photo page.
Added HH-34J Serial (tail) numbers to the "HH-34J" page. Information provided by Mr. Felix McLarney. 01 JANUARY 2012 Added New members David Cullen, Verne Romero, George Townsend and Victor J. Davis.
Added A link on Victor Davis bio page to his photo page. Added Information from Doug Lawson to the "Unusual Configuration" Page, regarding how and when CH-3C, 63-09676 "Black Mariah" got its paint job.
Added Richard "Dick" C. Brims (05/21/86) and Luke Riopel (12/10/11) to the Final Flight page.
Added A link, on the SEA KIA/MIA page, to a Tribute Poem to Al Avery and the crew of Jolly Green 67, courtesy of and written by fellow RotorHead member John Ratliff.