Group Photo at Kaman factory school
on the HH-43A
(Don Larson front row left, Fred Foust front
row 2nd from right, the rest are unidentified)
HH-43B, 60-0268 at 31st ARS, Clark AB,
PI, 1966. The crash was the result of
a take off during a scramble without disconnecting the generator power
cord. |
HH-43B, 60-0268 at 31st ARS, Clark AB,
PI, 1966. The crash was the result of
a take off during a scramble without disconnecting the generator power
cord. |

HH-43B, 60-0268 at 31st ARS, Clark AB,
PI, 1966. The crash was the result of
a take off during a scramble without disconnecting the generator power
cord. |
Vetrans Memoral Seguin, TX |
Vetrans Memoral Seguin, TX |