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Early in January 2007 Jim Burns, Bill Crawford, Ron Smitham and Jim Moore began preliminary discussion concerning the idea of a Logo that would be representative of the “USAF ROTORHEADS’’.


Jim Moore drew up some basic ideas on how the Logo might look to be representative of the group.  Jim Burns stated he would like to do something with Corel Draw and offered to proceed.


On 16 January 2007 Jim Burns took on the challenge to create several drafts of a “USAF ROTORHEADS” Logo.  Utilizing input received from several members of the group, Jim put together several draft images of a Logo.  With each draft new comments/suggestions were received and Jim took them and incorporated them into draft Logos.


Jim Burns felt that we needed to have a Logo that would be representative of all Air Force helicopters and not a specific type(s) or mission.


An oval and a round Logo became the two types of Logos the group members were most interested in.  The oval Logo became the style of choice.


Bill Lyster seen what Jim Burns was working on and offered his assistance and suggested we make three-dimensional models, including the environment, and lights, using 3D software.


Bill Lyster then began making the models (rotor assembly - hinge pins, reservoirs, rotor blades, letters, etc...) working with feedback from the “Logo” committee consisting of Jim Burns, Bill Crawford, Bill Lyster and Jim Moore. Bill Lyster spent countless hours designing the models for the four Logos, creating the scenes rendered using several camera views, and many lighting variations, while making the images for the logo. These renders took up to 24 hours for each scene.  He made a scene to satisfy each committee member, and gave committee members the option to modify their scene as he progressed, and then made a scene to his liking. This resulted in four unique logo renditions.


On 29 April 2007 the four Logo images were sent to the membership to vote on.  On 6 May 2007 by a unanimous vote the membership selected the Logo that became the “USAF ROTORHEADS” Logo.


The selected Logo was then given to the embroidery shop to be utilized to make the official “USAF ROTORHEADS” patch.  The embroidery shop sent the image off to be placed in a format compatible with the shop’s machines.  Jim Burns worked closely with the embroidery shop reviewing several “draft” versions and tweaking them to insure the best possible product. 


On 20 October 2007 the final product was received from the embroidery shop.  Jim Burns designed a membership certificate, letter and along with a patch Jim mailed them to current “USAF ROTORHEADS” members during the first week of November 2007.


USAF ROTORHEADS thanks the members for their time and effort with design ideas and the selection process.  Thanks to the Logo committee for their effort with a special thanks to Jim Burns, Bill Crawford, and Bill Lyster for their tireless efforts that resulted in a great patch, one the group can be proud of.