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Rich Blackwell's photo of the Jolly Green pilots at Da Nang AB, RVN, taken around September 1967.
~Kneeling L-R~
1. Dick Yeend, 2. John Oliver, 3 Stu Hoag, 4 Rich Blackwell, 5. John Lenamon, 6. Bill Brennan, 7. John Patterson (behind Bill Brennan), 8. Frank Cardile (next to John Patterson),
9. Rod Parks, 10. Tom Bair (behind Rod Parks), 11. Gerry McDonald
~Standing L-R~
1. Bill McKinny, 2. Bob Bunker, 3. Jerry Stringer, 4. Paul Ashley, 5. Don Simpson, 6. Billy Byrd, 7. John Roby, 8. Gerald Lowe 9. Don Wiegard, 10. Dean Briscoe, 11. Bobby Levins, 12. Andy Anderson
~Cabin Door L-R~
1. Joe Green, 2. Vern Dander
~Pilots Seat~
1. Jerry Griggs