Philip Sturges Jr.
USAF basic at Sampson AFB, NY Sept 1951
Aircraft and Engine School, Sheppard AFB, TX
H-5 Helicopter School, San Marcos AFB, TX
First unit 83rd Air Rescue Sq from Aug 1952 to 1955 with service in West Palm Beach, Bordeaux, France, and Spangdahlem, Germany
46th Air Rescue Sq. Westover AFB, MA 1955-56
3033rd Test Flight, 1957-59 Olmstead AFB. PA
24th Helicopter Sq, Showa Air Station, Japan Oct 1959-Jan 1960
6314th Field Maintenance Sq, Osan AFB, Korea 1960-Jan 1961
1370th Photomapping, Turner AFB, GA
All H-19 time except for H-21s at Japan and Georgia
Discharged Sep 1961
Florida Army National Guard as full time aircraft mechanic Sep 1965 to Sep 1986, rank from Sgt to Command Sergeant Major, 111th Attack Helicopter Bn, retired Sep 1986
During FLARNG service worked on H-13, H-23, OH-58, UH1 B, D, and H, AH-1S various models and assorted FW aircraft
I was the Flight Chief at Olmstead and Line Chief at Osan Tech Sgt
Allied Shop Foreman at the FLARNG Aviation Maintenance Shop, about 60 aircraft
~ Final Flight June 14, 2010 ~
