While at Gary AFB we used these little benches to wait for our helicopter to return and to get out of the sun. I believe the airman with me on the bench is Airman Close. Notice that I am wearing one piece fatigues with a block type cap; which, we were issued in those days. |
My first helicopter in 1955, an H-13E Model, and it shows an instructor pilot, and student, at Gary AFB, Texas, before helmets were issued to pilots and crew.
Notice: the L-19 and L-21 aircraft in the background distance. |
Gary AFB Swiming Pool |

Bill Lyster, Lubbock, TX.
1958 |
1st Lt. Borgeson, and Keaver Holly III
in 1957, don’t remember the flight
surgeon’s name in the cabin.
Aircraft is "Hop-a-Long" H-19A 51-3893 |
Edward D. Erickson was an A2C in this shot. I flew on all three of these aircraft as a crew member. The B-25 was the Base Commander’s aircraft. He flew me to Florida and back one weekend - got to visit my folks. We landed at Tyndall AFB; he dropped me off flew on to Tampa, and picked me up on the way back, a day or so later. The B-25 had stiff wings and I sat on the fuel tank behind the Col. and his copilot. I had a sore back from this trip. The wings on the B-25 are quite stiff.
The Goony bird behind the H-21, I flew as crew member a time or two.
This H-21 was on alert in all likelihood. I believe we left the engine doors open for the pilot’s walk around inspection |

Fairbanks Flood 1967
Koyukuk , Alaska February 1969, and a nice shot of Major Tom Garcia and some of the village children. The girl who has the checkered blue hood behind the boy in maroon is now the Airport Manager at Koyukuk . |
Bill Lyster at Kobuk, Alaska

Matanuska Valley area of Alaska early in 1967 |
L-R Ritchie H. Belser Jr., James Fetzer, Stan Menze, UNK, Wardlow (sp)
Fire Fighter, UNK FE |
Another view of previous photo,
unkn's on far left. |

This was shot at Laredo AFB in 1970 just before I left for Vietnam. The Col. and Lt. Col. are the two we flew over to Chase Field |
I think I captured some of the curiosity of these Navy Troops at Chase Field in this shot looking over our HH-43 Helicopter. We flew in there from Laredo AFB -1970 is the year. |
UH-1N & Bill Lyster at
Cam Ranh Bay, RVN
Jun 71 |

Bill Lyster Cam Ranh Bay
Jun 71 |
FCF pilot Svoboda UH-1N
Cam Ranh Bay June 71 |
Green Hornet Hanger at Thy Hoa AB, RVN |

Green Hornet |
I made this up from a couple of photos I made at Tuy Hoa. The Green Hornet is an accurate representation of the one we used to paint our helicopters and even had a stamp for our envelopes we mailed back home. |
HH-53's at Da Nang AB, RVN

Bill Lyster at Da Nang, May 1971
37th ARRS HH-53C 68-10366.
NOTE: ON 25 NOV 1971 Aircraft
was shot down; see story on
(Photo taken vy MSgt Richards)
HH-1H Departing Bell Helicopter plant |
HH-1H 459 Departing Bell Helicopter plant |

HH-1H Departing Bell Helicopter plant
HH-1H Departing Bell Helicopter plant
HH-1H's at Laramie Wyoming fuel stop |

HH-1H at Open House, Hill AFB, UT.
& Bill Lyster |
Taken when I went TDY to Tyndall on a Maintenance Assistance Visit. I was sent there by HQ. Air Rescue to help them solve the problem with this bird. It made a hard landing and warped the airframe.
I discovered the transmission drive was chaffing the sides of the coupling to the gearbox. It was quite noisy.

Cessna Skyhook CH-1C
Civilian Version of Army H-41 |

H-41 With Models |
Bill & Max, 25 Nov. 2012
In Grand Junction |