Mr. Ragay has spent countless hours researching information and photos of the Kaman H-43. His research has brought him to the United States on several occasions where he was able to visit several of the locations where H-43 aircraft records, pictures, and other applicable date is stored.
Mr. Ragay assists the "Pedro Rescue Helicopter Association" as an associate member, assists Mr. Bill Junkins "The first website on the Internet dedicated to the HH-43 and her crews" (ever since 1999), as well as assisting "Pedro News" by Mr. Steve Mock and Mr. Paul Metzner.
He has his own website that serves as a means to get in touch with people who would be interested to share the history of the Huskie. His ultimate goal is to complete the service history of the H-43 and publish as either a book or CD-ROM volumes including all the hundreds of pictures and documents.
Mr. Ragay lives in The Netherlands.
To view Mr. Ragay's web site
